The defense Forces of Japan Ramp up to Support American Military

The Self-Defense of Japan Forces will endow with more support to United States military, this will include protection the American ships, under the revised defense guidelines of the two countries that are negotiating.

In an interim report with the issued revision at meeting of the senior foreign affairs and the defense officials from two countries, the new guidelines will aim to reflect the new threats posed by China's military expansion and its maritime ambitions, as well an answer to the America's strategic "rebalancing" in Asia. The North Korean nuclear missile that was development and military use of space and cyberspace will also be incorporated.  

The said interim report calls for a seamless defense cooperation during emergencies and even peacetime. This will mark a clear departure from current guidelines that will spell Japanese and American responsibilities separately for the three circumstances: peacetime, contingencies in areas surrounding Japan, and the emergencies involving Japan.

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