Video of the LCS 7 Detroit Side Launched into Menominee River

Lockheed Martin—led industry team recently launched nation's seventh Littoral Combat Ship in Menominee River October 18 of 2014. LCS Detroit formally christened prior to its official launch by Barbara Levin.

"It is a privilege to serve as the sponsor of the future USS Detroit and to participate in the major milestones along the way to her assuming her place as part of the great U.S. Navy fleet", said Mrs. Levin. I also look forward to an ongoing relationship with her courageous crews and their families throughout the ship's lifetime."

Following after christening and launch, the Detroit continue to undergo outfitting and rigid testing before the final delivery to Navy in 2015.

It is an honor to continue supporting the U.S. Navy with these capable and flexible warships,”  said Dale P. Bennett, executive vice president of Lockheed Martin’s Mission Systems and Training business. “The Lockheed Martin-led team’s LCS design is lethal, survivable, and affordable.These ships will help the Navy achieve its goal to increase forward presence, and can be upgraded or modified quickly to meet future missions.

The United States Navy awarded the said contract to the construct of Detroit in 2011. The said ship is one of the five LCS currently undergo construction at the Marinette Marine Shipyard. 

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