Xinhua - Military Airstrip build by China on disputed island

Beijing completed a runway for its military aircraft on South China Sea Island that was also claimed by Vietnam, this was reported by the Beijing state— run media as it asserts the territorial claims in the region.

The new facility that is built stretches across the Woody Island, part of Paracel chain. The Paracels are claimed by Vietnam and also with Taiwan, tensions between Beijing and Hanoi rose this year over Chinese construction and oil exploration on the area.

The runway is the latest physical assertion Beijing in the area control, two years after it declared a city named Sansha centred on Yongxing in Chinese — to administer vast swathes on South China Sea.

With the completion and continued improvements to the runway on Yongxing, military aircraft can be based in the Paracels, and greatly improve Chinese defence capabilities in the Xisha and Nansha islands,” Xinhua said.

Pictures have been posted with report showed part of the airstrip surrounded by a construction cranes.

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