ISIS publishes a Guide How ‘To Shoot Down’ the United States Apache Helicopters

Days after United States start using Apache attack helicopters against Islamic State in Iraq. The group (ISIS) responded by producing a guide in shooting down the said iconic aircraft. The guide has been circulating on the social media. It explains detail how to use a portable surface—to—air missiles, such as Russian—made SA—16 and SA—18 and American FIM—92 Stinger, against the apache attack helicopter.

Stinger heavily used during Soviet invasion in Afghanistan in 1980s, when shoulder—fired missiles provided by United States to mujahideen fighters proved that it is very effective at shooting down the Soviet helicopters.

They saw the use against the Russian aircraft during first and second Chechen wars, from 1994 to 1996 and 1999 to 2009. The guide serves as reminder for ISIS fighters who took part in those conflicts before joining ranks of Sunni extremist group in Iraq and Syria.

For new ISIS recruits, the guide is detailed primer how to target successfully the attack Apaches by defeating its countermeasures.

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