Looking Back Video: MARCOS Acquitted of Illegal Money Transfer.

A court in Manila acquitted the former first lady Imelda Marcos of 32 counts illegal money transfers, in 1 of a series of corruption trials that she faced over two decades.

Trial court judge Pampilo, said that the government failed to prove its case.  Mrs. Marcos, with her husband and so with his associate, both dead, illegally transferred funds 32 times to the bank in Switzerland between the year 1968 —1976.

Mrs. Marcos appeared in courtroom in jewels and green gown, said that she is very much happy and thank Lord that 32 cases have been dismissed. This will subtract the 901 cases filed against Marcoses.

After Marcos deposed in “people power” in 1986, the succeeding governments in Philippines sued Mrs. Marcos, up to her children and husband’s associates, accusing of stealing a USD10 billion during its 20 years in the power. To the record Mr. Marcos died in the exile 1989. A small fraction of missing money has been recovered.

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