The most powerful woman in Arab defends Filipinos

Filipino nomad workers, especially those who are working in UAE (United Arab Emirates) found a friend in the person of a woman leader identified as the most powerful Arab women by the Forbes Magazine.

Sheikha Lubna Bint of the Emirati royalty cited the excellent skills and positive work attitude of the Filipino migrant during its recent interview with the journalists at sidelines of UAE’s Celebration of 43rd National Day.

Her remark defended the Filipino workers from the discriminatory comments, “nation of slaves” that was tag on Philippines.

The reported negative perception on Philippine workers is not true. It is not about the domestic help,” Lubna told more than 90 journalists that were invited on the 43rd National Day celebration.

The truth is that, Philippine engineers and the Philippine drivers are the best among the rest,” she added.

UAE is virtually teaming with the Filipinos who work in the commercial establishments, residences, and even in the construction sites. The recent data said that there are more than 700,000 Filipinos working as domestic helpers, engineers, drivers, hotel staff, waiters and manager posts.

1 comment:

  1. Add: Teachers, doctors, businessmen/women, IT experts....
