China Suffers a 50% Crash Down on Japanese Investments

The weakening relations with Chinese and Japanese companies due to its recent territorial issue concerns China's economic experts, causing the investment in the country of China to fall down sharply.

From the data released by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce last Tuesday, Investments directly from Japan  plunged nearly a half  48.8%  amounting to USD2.4 billion.

The direct investment from Japanese in 2013 dipped 4% and this has been increasing, it only explains that “Japanese investment will not be entering to their country”.

In relation to the recent tension between Japan and China, one factor considered by experts was the increasing labor cost by the Chinese, in which this becomes a burden for these Japanese companies to operate on their country.

Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesman said that there was not change on the China policy and still they are inviting foreign investments from other countries like United States.

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