Have you ever wonder why they are dying?

In Maitum Saragani, Sperm Whale was first sighted by fishermen around 5:30 am 11 of July. Considering the date today it is now in advance decomposing stage. The whale has 16.3m length and a total weight approximate to 41 tons.

Sperm Whale or cachalot with its scientific name “Physeter macrocephalus”, largest among toothed predator whales.

A mature cachalot has an average length of 54 ft some reach 67ft, its head represent one third of its length. They are feed on squid, plunging up to 7,380ft to hunt for its prey and they are considered the second deepest sea diving mammal.

The Sperm Whale has a 60 years lifespan. They can be found in Open Ocean, young whales live in groups.

In the late 20th century they became the prime targets of the whalers, it head has liquid wax known as “spermaceti”. This liquid is used as oil lamps, candles and lubricants. But for today not anymore, they are protected with the whaling moratorium and they are listed as vulnerable.

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