Philippine Aermacchi S-211

Aermacchi was the main supplier of S211 SIAI Marchettii a military jet trainer.

Singapore together with Philippines is one among many countries who used S-211. This aircraft has best performance in flight with its acrobatic capabilities. It can also be armed with range weapons.

S-211 jet has excellent performance in acrobatic demonstrations and flight missions, with a maximum speed up to 414 knots true air speed KTAS at 25,000ft altitude with 5,100ft per minute rate climb. Aermacchi S-211 jet will enable pilot training with its true jet environment.

S-211 has hard points; it can carry range of weapons like bombs up to 250 kilograms, NAPALM up to 350 kilograms. It has rocket launchers and gun pods for 12.7mm, 7.62mm and 20mm guns with cartridge launchers.

Aermacchi is a JTI 5D – 5C turbofan powered engine with 2.0:1 bypass ration at 0.57lb/h/lb. it can carry up to 236 gallons fuel and a fuselage bladder.

In pursuant to the Philippine modernization program S-211 will be upgraded to AS-211 suited for ground attack operations, several airframes were waiting for reactivation in line with the other jet trainers.

“Its aim is to increase aerial assets soon to be FA-50 pilots.”

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