Philippine Navy Plans to acquire Submarine

The Philippine Navy’s Plan of acquiring submarine may mark the Philippine defense as the first ever submarine.

Official of the Philippine Navy told reporters that their experts are now in meeting with international counterparts in the formulation of plan’s feasibility.

The Philippine Navy will acquire the submarine before 2020. This will depend on the political governmental atmosphere.

Researches and studies have been undertaken that involves the acquisition of submarine, “Purchasing Submarine will require not just millions but billions of dollars.

Our country needs a territorial patrol that underwater where it stay undetected, does a need for submarine will be noted. The amount that will be allocated for the purchase might be impossible but this will be a stepping forward to improve Philippine naval capability.

Submarine plays a significant role in patrolling our territorial areas, since if we have submarine it will not be physically invisible, and we can tract those illegal maritime activities in our territory.


  1. pabor ako dyan Sir sa inyong mga plano...suportado kayo ng sambayanang Pilipino...

  2. If we can afford and we are able to vote for the leader that have the mind set as our current dispensation then it wont be a problem, we really need all the assets to secure our border and territories we are already behind by almost 50yrs already..... :D

  3. I hope this would push through. China has 69 submarines while Philippines has 0 (zero).

  4. German type 214's are bad ass subs,.. It is now being acquired by South Korea,.. Scorpene is good too but French military hardware are so expensive. Type 214 cost about 300 Million USD a piece,.. But we could also purchase Russian Kilo class which is now being procured by Vietnam which is cheaper..

  5. If we want the AFP modernization plans to push through up to 2020 to have at least a minimal credible defensive posture then we should not vote for Binay this 2016 his senator daughter have already questioned the AFP modernization and currently conducting investigations on this (witch hunt) the Binays are the epitome of a political dynasty if look before the EDSA revolt Jejomar is a virtual shadow that teaches in St Scholastica ... after EDSA revolt became Makati City's OIC then Mayor for more than President Marco's term he amassed their wealth b then and up to this time. Sources says that they owm multi million peso realty properties in Makati, Batangas and God knows where. So please, if you want our country to have a credible defensive posture think about this I'm not politically bias I just call a Spade a Spade that's all.

  6. kung iba ang pananaw ng maging presidente malabo na mangyari yon, dapat yong sincere din na presidente ang ipalit kay pres Pnoy upang sa ganon tuloy -tuloy ang pag usad ng modernization ng pilipinas sa hukbong sandatahan.

  7. Yes We need submarine Drones and missiles too for both eternal and external defense
