Senator Poe Says "Filipinos are not dumb"

This is what Senator Poe said, “Filipinos are not dumb” but due to lack of transparent information to the public of what the government is doing, I don’t know.

Freedom of Information” this will help every Filipino have an access on all information’s on what our Philippine government is doing with our money.

Senator Poe is serious on its FOI bill for the wisdom of every Filipino.  For her “those who are educated should be leading our country on the right path not on its personal interest”.

I strongly believed that MASA (Filipinos) were not dumb. In their minds they need information and they crave for it on what our government is doing. Transparent information available to everyone will help them understand, this can be downloadable directly to a government websites. The new generation citizen knows who to acquire that information with their fingertips.

FOI will surely prevent corruption in the government. And this will teach the Filipinos to get involved.

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