Chinese pastor detained for spreading Christianity

A Chinese cleric is now facing a possibility on a decade in prison after he was detained for charges intended to weaken resistance to government’s ongoing crackdown on rapidly growing Christian community.

A Christian pastor Huang Yizi from Zhejiang in eastern China was taken from his house by plainclothes police officers according to activists.

According report, the 40 year old preacher who has been accused of “gathering to assault a state organ.

The preacher’s detention came over a week after the bloody clashes between plainclothes agents, including some armed personnel’s with cattle prods, and Christians who on the site attempting to stop the removal of their church’s cross.

Wang Hongjie, a lawyer said that “The government has taken a number of steps to restrict the human rights of Christians in this region and bringing pastor Huang under criminal detention is the most extreme.”

The pastor’s detention was to warn at the same time to send message to all Christians considering resisting demolitions. “If you people will keep doing this, you will surely end up in the same situation”.

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