Philippine Government Rejects mutual approach in resolving dispute issue

The Philippines maintain its place of taking multiparty approach in addressing disputes issue with China on South China Sea. Amid information tells the presence of boats from Chinese in Recto Bank.

"No bilateral discussion will happen with them because this is a dispute that gripped more not just one but more two parties. It makes no sense for Philippines to bargain bilaterally if the claimants to those doubtful seas or waters would encompass more than two petitioner countries.” Edwin Lacierda said.

Philippine government will not close down in filing diplomatic and legal means in the resolution of the dispute. A diplomatic protest has been filed. It is not an issue of whether they will heed the diplomatic protest. What important is that government of the Philippines continues to emphasize its right against neighbors. And this will continue for that reason.

Philippine authorities said that it will pursue its disputed case with china in a multilateral manner, even though China have increased its patrols in the disputed area on the area believed to be holding large amount of gas and oil reserves.

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