Transparency - President Aquino to Supreme Court “File SALNs”

Aquino said, “Its’ about time that Justices of the Supreme Court clean its name in the JDF (Judiciary Development Fund) and their wealth.

According to the president, the major issue is “transparency”. Where does this end up, and how much we will have?  The Supreme Court (SC) rejected BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) request for the justices’ for the copies on SALNs or Statement of assets, liabilities and ne worth “lack of basis

Chief Justice Soreno asked House of Representative to exclude judiciary from JDF (Justice committee inquiry) until SC resolve governments motion to reconsider the July 1 ruling that struck down Aquino’s stimulus plan in the economy on DAP (Disbursement Acceleration Program).

Democracy obligates coequal branches to respect each other for independence and should recognize each duties, limitation and powers set by Philippine Constitution.

The need to file SALN, this is indicated in the Philippine Constitution, we Justices, President, Vice President, heads of the constitutional commissions, and everything that was indicated should file.” Aquino said.

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