US government to sell Apache AH-64 Attack Helicopters

Indonesia acquired the approval of United States government on its plan to purchase Apace AH-64 attack helicopters with the procurement document signed by the Defense Minister of Indonesia Yusgiantoro and the visiting United States Defense Secretary Hagel.

"Thanks to the US government, they can now have the Apaches. The Indonesia were thinking of creating Apache squadron in the near future".

The defense minister of Indonesia said that procurement of the attack helicopters was part of their plan to modernize its military forces.

In its modernization plan, they have procured Su-27 and Flanker fighter jets from Russia, Main Battle Tanks from Germany and anti-insurgency planes from Brazil. Their trainer planes from South Korea is now expecting the delivery of F-16 used planes from United States and C-130 cargo planes from Australia.

The Indonesian defense minister said that Indonesia and United States will co-host CTX (Counter Terrorism Exercise) scheduled from September 5 - 13 in the Indonesia peacekeeping forces training center located in West Java Sentul. 18 countries were expected during the said event.

Part 01 - Chinese Same to Shame Engineering

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