Indonesia will buy United States F—16s instead of Russian Sukhoi Fighters

Indonesia will no longer acquire Sukhoi fighter jets from the Russians, but instead it chooses F—16s fighter jets from United States.

Indonesian Air Force has a total of 10 Su—30 and Su—27s with 6 additional fighters that is on the way. Money is made available in order to accelerate the refurbishment of the existing fleet of 15 Lockheed Martin C—130s, as well as the acquisition of four C—130Hs from Australia and upgrade them, and its plan to purchase more Indonesia Aerospace CN—295 transports.

This was said by Herryanto, who have served as secretary general of Indonesian Defense Ministry."We are waiting for the 24 F-16s from USA. With those jets, we will have enough aircraft in our fighter inventory for the next 20 years. And this means that we have enough Sukhoi fighters for now," he said.

The Indonesian army recently bought 6 Su—30 fighters delivered within three years. The country’s Air Force will have 16 Sukhois. 

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