Philippine gets an “Investment Grade” from Korea

Philippines got another investment grade from a supreme credit rating, this time from the South Korean based NICE (National Information and Credit Evaluation Ratings Inc.)

For the first time NICE give a rating status to the Philippines as “investment”, it raised the country’s long—term, foreign—currency rating by the notch from junk to minimum investment grade of BBB.

The ratings given by NICE assigned as “positive” outlook on Philippines, means there’s a possibility of another upgrade within the short term.

The viewpoint is positive. It mirrors the improved growth potential which was backed by the institutional reforms and greater investment in infrastructure,” NICE Ratings in its report on Philippines.

NICE cited “Philippines’ ability to maintain its economic development this year.

Philippines already received good investment grade status from other major international ratings firms Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s Fitch Ratings, Japan Credit Rating Agency and R&. BSP Governor Tetangco Jr. and the Finance Secretary Purisima welcomed NICE Ratings.

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