Video: Airstrikes in Iraq and Syria by the United States Navy

The United States military together with the Arab allies launched its first airstrikes towards the Syria Islamic State targets, as ordered by United States President Obama.

"The military strikes destroyed multiple ISIL targets Abu Kamal ,Ar Raqqah, Al Hasakah, and Dayr az Zawr, includes ISIL fighters and training compounds, headquarters and the command and control facilities, storage facilities, and the finance center, supply trucks and armed vehicles," defense official said.

The attack was executed using mixture of dropping bombs by the warplanes, remotely piloted aircraft and ships firing missiles.

"We wanted to make sure that ISIL knew they have no safe haven, and we certainly achieved that," General Martin the chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

An estimate of 30,000 ISIL fighters was based in Syria. The remainder has captured the large parts of the northern Iraq, although their momentum has been rounded by the United States fighter, bomber and drone aircraft.

video credit to AsianDefence

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