A Group eyes the 14 million Signatures to convince Mayor Duterte

A certain group is now pushing for the Davao Mayor Duterte to run in the next 2016 presidential election, the said group is confident that with this it could convince local chief executive to throw his hat by "overwhelming support".

John Contriciones a lawyer and the Luzon coordinator of Duterte for President 2016 Movement said that the group is now eyeing to gather at the 14 million signatures nationwide, to petitioning Davao City mayor to run as president in the next national election.

If the enough signatures will be gathered, it will be overwhelming and mayor Duterte would not be able to refuse the call of the people.

 "We know that there are many people who are supporting the Mayor. A matter of fact, this has been shown by their visits in key cities in Mindanao and in Visayas, wherein caravan was warmly welcomed by lot of people," Contriciones said.

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