Bomb kills 41 children in Syrian town

Kurdish and Turkey fighters backed by the United States led air strikes were locked in fierce fighting to prevent a key Syrian border town from falling into the Islamic State group jihadists.

There were reports that 41 children were dead in the twin bombings at school in a government—controlled central city of Homs, which has been devastated by the three—year civil war.

The anti—jihadist air strikes and the heavy clashes in besieged town of Ain al—Arab on Turkish border killed 18 people, nine militants and nine Kurdish fighters.

Ambulances ferried wounded fighters for treatment in amid mortar fire, with rounds hitting close to the border, the twin blasts in south hit neighborhood inhabited mainly by Alawite community of Syrian President al-Assad, which has been frequently targeted by the rebels and the jihadists.

191,000 people been killed since the uprising against Assad erupted in the 2011, escalating into several—sided war involving pro—government forces, hard line jihadists and more moderate rebels.

They destroyed IS armed vehicle, artillery piece and tank, this was said by the US Central Command. 

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