Death Penalty Bill for The Foreign drug traffickers “lusot sa komite ng Kamara”

The DEATH penalty for the foreign drug traffickers will effectively discourage any international drug syndicates, including notorious Sinaloa drug cartel, from doing its business in Philippines.

With the said bill it will also allow PDEA to do wiretaps on the suspected big—time drug syndicates to ensure that the law enforcement agents would strike the heart of these drug Kings.

The Philippine House of panel approved the House Bill 1213 seeking to impose acapital punishment for the foreign drug offenders and to be endorsed to the plenary discussion when Congress. Rodriguez maintained that “death penalty should be imposed on foreign that have violated country’s Comprehensive Anti—Drugs Act.

While the PDEA thrown its full support, its officials said that it would be up to the lawmakers whether the bill should be passed or not, the imposition of death penalty is really a policy issue, thus we should abide with the collective decision of our lawmakers.

Video credit to GMAnews

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