The New Stealth Corvette of Taiwan to counter first China’s aircraft carrier

The Taiwan's first Tuo River—class stealth corvettes has been launched earlier this year, this was designed to counter radar and command center of China's aircraft carrier, Liaoning.

Though the ship was known as the carrier—killers, Tuo River—class corvette was not developed to sink Chinese carrier, Maslov said. This type of class vessel has the capability to conduct an electronic warfare against carrier's radar and the communication systems, hindering its ability to launch fighters and helicopters.

ROC Navy has its plans to build eight — 12 Tuo River—class stealth corvettes in the future. The Tuo River as the lead ship in the class, entered service last March, in addition to its electronic warfare capabilities, the corvette boasts powerful weapons systems. The ship can carry up to eight Hsiung Feng II and eight Hsiung Feng III anti—ship missiles, one Otobreda 76mm gun, one close—in weapon system and two 12.7mm machine guns.

As PLA Navy begins to deploy advanced and modern warships, asymmetrical warfare becomes an option for Taiwan's navy. The ship's hull uses aluminum alloy which offers protection against magnetic mines.

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