Philippines PZL Sokol helicopter carries out its amphibious raid - PHIBLEX

The PZL W-3 Sokol helicopter Armed Forces of the Philippines approaches an improvised landing zone during a simulated amphibious raid using a combat rubber raiding craft for Amphibious Landing Exercise in Palawan.

W-3 Sokół is the first helicopter to be fully designed and a Poland serial—built. The Sokół was a conventional design with two turboshaft engines based on PZL-10S - licensed Russian TVD-10B designed turboprops that power the An—28. Composites are used in three—bladed tail and a four—bladed main rotors.

The Sokół chopper offered number of variants and it is capable of performing typical range of helicopter missions, including a passenger transport, VIP, medevac, EMS, search and rescue and firefighting.

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