Taiwan to station permanent armed ships on a disputed South China Sea island

Taiwan is now considering stationing armed vessels permanently on disputed SCS Island, this was sad by officials, this is a move bound to renew the friction in the region claimed almost by China, with the Vietnam dismissing such plan as "illegal".

The said potentially rich in energy Spratly islands are the main flashpoints in South China Sea, with claims from Malaysia, Philippines and Brunei, that closely watched by United States after China placed giant oil rig nearby waters that was also claimed by the Vietnam's.

The Itu Aba, known as the Tai Ping, the only island in Spratlys is large enough to accommodate a port – that is currently under construction. Taiwan previously said that the port, expected to be completed in late 2015, this would allow 3,000—ton naval frigates and a coastguard cutters to dock there.

Officials of the Taiwan's Coast Guard, administers Itu Aba, and Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense, to stations troops there, the port could become a permanent home of the armed vessels.

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