Ukraine War Update - Battle for Donetsk Airport threatens cease-fire

The heavy clashes between the government forces and the pro—Russian separatists in eastern Ukrainian Donetsk City intensified in a struggle for the control of city's airport, despite of the fire agreed by both parties.

NSDC (National Security and Defense Council) of Ukraine said that the government forces maintained control on the airport despite of the ongoing attacks.

The Pro—Russian rebels reportedly used tanks to let them fire at main terminal, which was held by the government forces. Associated Press journalist reported seeing a three rebel tanks firing cannons at terminal. And sniper shots rang on the area.

The recent heavy clashes are not limited to the Ukraine airport. The fighting spilled over residential areas of the Donetsk city, with shelling near school in Kyivsky district leaving 10 people dead. Red Cross worker died after a shell exploded close to the aid group's office in Donetsk.

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