Hundreds of People died and buildings collapse in a Magnitude 7.9 Earthquake in Nepal

Experts estimated a 7.9 magnitude earthquake that shook Nepal Saturday near Katmandu its capital. People described scenes of panic and the collapsed buildings, and United States Geological experts predicted severe damage to the villages near quake’s epicenter, that was 50 miles from Katmandu.

The Nepal’s ministry, Laxmi Dhakal, said that the preliminary death toll initially stood at 356, and thousands of people injured. Reports had been relayed that a major avalanche on highest mountain Mount Everest, with a group of individuals reported missing.

Magnitude 7.9 Earthquake in Nepal

Nepal residents of Katmandu ran in the streets and open spaces as buildings collapse, throwing up a cloud of dust in the streets and wide cracks on paved streets. The overflowing hospitals were also treating injured patients on street.

Mid afternoon US Geological Survey counted twelve aftershocks with a recorded measure of 6.6.

As earthquake in Nepal set of dangerous avalanches specifically on its famous Mount Everest as hundreds of trekkers attempting to ascend the mountain. One of the trekkers described the avalanche as huge that caused many injuries and casualties.

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