Surprising Rare Shark Found

In a recent government research trip, scientists were surprised when they found tiny version of an extraordinarily very rare shark that was accidentally fished out from the deep of Gulf Mexico together with lots of creatures.

The discovery turned out as second of its species that was ever seen. In the past, the first pocket shark was found 36 years ago in Pacific Ocean coast of Peru and it's been sitting a museum in Russia.

rare pocket shark found in deep

The pocket shark was identified as male, few weeks old and about 5.5 inches in long. Strangely, this shark has two pockets to its front fins; its purpose was yet known. It is not quite like kangaroo, which uses its pouch just to carry their young, but there were few species that have pockets this large — about 4 percent of the rare shark's body.

Mark Grace from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration fisheries biologist spent 30 years going through bags to identify them. But it took him three years to get to near the freezer when he plopped a bag on the table and let it thaw saw the species.

The rare shark has unusual belly patches not seen in most of the sharks. But the strange thing about this is its pockets. No one knows what really they are for.

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