China tells United States not to interfere its Sea Dispute

China informs United States last Tuesday not to interfere with the dispute cases on South China Sea, but instead leave other countries in resolving the issues with themselves.” This was the official statement released by China after U.S. released the Freeze order to Asian Pacific Sea Areas. (Article Here)

The deputy assistant secretary of United States for Multilateral and Strategy affairs Michael Fuchs said, “No country that is exclusively responsible for the growing tensions. But with the unilateral behavior of China, questions have been raised about its willingness to follow international law.

Ninety percent of South China Sea has been claimed by China, those areas believed to be rich in gas and oil deposits. Not just China, but Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei, Philippines and Taiwan has its claims, in which this areas has USD5 trillion ship trade passes annually.

The Foreign Ministry of China believes that it has irrefutable sovereignty on Spratly Islands, they demand immediate withdrawals on other countries equipments and personnel that were “Illegally occupying” the islands.

China “hopes that neutrality among country will be maintained and distinguish respect among others and maintain peace and stability among region

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