Japan beaten by China on Surface Combat Ships in terms of Number

Power in numbers, Japan has been surpassed by China in the acquisition, purchasing and construction of combat surface vessel. This was based on an article in Canada KDR (Kanwa Defense Review).

China’s combat surface vessel might not be as god as what the Japanese have in quality, but China’s PLA (Peoples Liberation Army) undeniably has greater number of frigates and destroyers fully equipped with electronically array radar.

According to record Chinese PLA has 6 type guided missile 052C destroyers that carries air defense HQ9 missiles, the vessel can fire anti ship cruise YJ-62 missiles up to 280km range. Overall China completed two 052D destroyer constructions that can carry up to 64 air defense HQ9 missiles. Currently there are 4 more destroyers to be built until 2015.

China still behind compared to Japan and United States in building vessels in accordance to quality

The Maritime Defense Force of Japan has 2 Atago class and 4 Kongo class destroyers, equipped with Defense Aegis Ballistic Missile System and Standard RIM-161 missile.

Those 6 destroyers from Japan are twice as power compared to Japan in stopping enemy missiles and aircraft. The Japan destroyers were also better than China destroyers in cyber warfare, anti submarine and electronic capabilities. 

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