Philippine Government needs 2,000 Auditors

Our country needs 2,000 accountants to be appointed as auditors that will protect the public funds” this was the statement released by the COA commissioner Jose Fabia.

We are in need of new accountants to be commissioned to protect the overall resources and revenues of the government.” This was the statement of Fabia during the anniversary celebration in PSU Pangasinan State University.

According to PIA report, an average of 60% Employees from Commission on Audit belongs to the age of 50 to 65 brackets, therefore the agency is lack of manpower to audit PDAF (Priority Development Assistance) and IRA (Internal Revenue Allotment) this was given to LGU.

COA needs more than 8,000 new accountants in the next years to come.” Fabia Said
Offering accountancy courses have been encouraged to schools and universities in order to fill in the future demands. “Excellent result in the exam is a plus factor, but what important was the character of the person as the main factor” Fabia added.

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