A Senate Bill that Seeks to reduce Individual income tax

The Philippine Finance Department will conduct comprehensive assessment on Philippines tax structure that will benefit both the people and the government.

“Instead of little by little measures, the team will revisit the entire thing. We hope that this is going to be progressive and more equitable with the goal of making revenues buoyant,” said Purisima when he was asked about government’s position on the growing calls on the reduction of income tax rates.

Every country needs a tax system to support the sustainable and strong economic growth. The tax system serves a significant role in financial support to public services that will benefit the economy in general. The government would support the calls to revise the current system as long as the lawmakers will make it a priority measure.

Senator Angara revived calls for a measure that will lower income tax rates in order to encourage Filipinos to spend and expand output. The Senate Bill No.2149 of Angara seeks to reduce individual income tax from 32% down to 25%.

However the bill proposed no taxes with income less than Php20,000.

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