Drones from China Fly over Philippine Vessel in Ayungin

A suspected drone believed to be from China has been spotted hovering above Ph garrison in the grounded BRP Sierra Madre in Ayungin Shoal. This was according to officer in charge in the isolated outpost.

The deployment of drones from China started since last month. We have the monitoring details of at least three drones that overpass our Ship.” Marine officer said.

Philippine military authorities in the area reported the increased number of Chinese Ships in the Shoal and other areas within the Philippine territory.

A group of Philippine local officials was on its way to the Island of Pag-Asa lead by Mayor Bito-onon, they have encountered Chinese patrol on the area. The Chinese Patrol tried to drive them away despite of the bad weather.

The Philippine soldiers said they have become accustomed to China’s presence in our shoal. “It is nothing. But, we have to report to our higher headquarters on what is really happening here,” said by a Marine sergeant.

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