China in serious trouble with United States decision to Vietnam

United States decision to lift its ban on the arms sales to Vietnam will result to a serious trouble to China's national security. Xinhua—published News dated October 5 that John Kerry United States secretary of state recently informed the Vietnamese deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh dated October 2 that Washington decided to partially lift its ban on the sale of arms to Hanoi.

The State Department spokesperson Psaki said that Washington now allow sale of lethal maritime security capabilities and for surveillance case—by—case basis to Hanoi. This includes both boats and air assets to in order to increase capability of Vietnamese coast guard, navy and air force in the South China Sea.

Source from United States government said that the easing of ban recognizes improvements by the Vietnam's government on human rights. Recently 11 political prisoners have been released by country's communist regime just this year. United States has affirmed progress in religious freedom in Vietnam.

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