China to United States – “back off, all country should respect China’s sovereignty”

US and China openly clashed over pro—democracy protests that has been sweeping Hong Kong, with Beijing angrily warning Washington to back off and saying it would not tolerate “illegal acts.

Chinese government firmly and clearly stated its position. Hong Kong affairs are China’s internal affairs,” US Secretary of State John Kerry  told by Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was standing next to him, just before they went into talks at State Department.

All countries should respect China’s sovereignty and this is a basic principle of governing international relations,” Wang said sternly.

I believe for any country, for any society, no one would allow those illegal acts that violate public order. That’s the situation in the United States and that’s the same situation in Hong Kong.

Washington always walked a delicate tightrope in its relations with China, eager to improve its trade and economic ties with world’s second largest economy while also pressing greater human rights.

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