Japanese nuke restart

A Japanese governor said that the country should not restart any of their nuclear plants until the cause of Fukushima meltdown will be fully understood and the nearby communities have emergency plans that will effectively respond a major accident.

Governor Izumida of the central Niigata prefecture, the home of the seven-reactor the Kashiwazaki—Kariwa plant said that the regulators look at the equipment but don't actually evaluate the local evacuation plans.

Japan Prime Minister is now pushing to restart the two reactors in the southern Japan that were first to be approved under the stricter safety requirements introduced after Fukushima disaster. The Nuclear Regulation Authority Chairman Shunichi Tanaka called new standard of one of the worlds highest.

PM Abe said that he will restart all the reactors deemed safe and reversing previous government's policy of phasing out the nuclear power.

The regulators are now inspecting the 18 other reactors, including two Niigata operated by utility that runs Fukushima plant, which experienced a meltdowns following the last 2011 earthquake and tsunami. All the 48 workable Japanese reactors are currently offline.

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