The Php4 Billion Kickback Sharing by the Makati Executives

The amount was at—least Php4 billion from the 10 infrastructure projects that Makati government awarded in favored to a contractor between 1999 —2014 that went to the city officials and the resident auditors as kickbacks, according to the former Makati VM Ernesto Mercado.

10 projects was awarded to the Hilmarc’s Construction Corp. that cost taxpayers of Makati at least Php15 billion, said by Mercado, a witness in Senate blue ribbon subcommittee investigation of the alleged irregularities in Makati government during term of VP Binay as Makati mayor.

Twenty-eight percent from every project was shared by the mayor down to the lowest official in the web involved in the conspiracy,” Mercado told in an interview.
Mercado said that 13 percent of 28—percent kickback went to VP Binay when he was the mayor. Remaining 15 percent went to others — vice mayor, the other 16 members of city council, city council secretary, members of the BAC (bids and awards committee), city engineer, members of TWG (technical working group), the department heads, two sectoral representatives (the barangay chair and Sangguninang Kabataan chair) and resident COA  (Commission on Audit) auditors.

Former Makati Vice Mayor Mercado admitted that he accepted share from the kickbacks when he was city councilor and vice mayor.

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